
The Spring Playgroup has a Christian foundation – our Manager and all our Trustees are practising Christians – our faith supports our work.
Our current board of Trustees K Broadbent J Cook, J Cross, T Feltbower, F Hawke
To ensure all parents receive the childcare they can afford, we also actively seek donations from organisations and charities. These are listed below and whom we are extremely grateful.
If you would like to make a one off or regular donation we would love to hear from you, please email us at and we will contact you.
If you would like a donation please click the button below to download our Gift Aid form.
Fees and Funding Policy
We do not charge a set fee for our preschool education sessions. Although this may seem a little strange – we believe we are the only group in Warwickshire to work like this – it is our way of making sure a preschool education is available to all children.
We are funded by the Government’s Early Education Funding (EEF) for 15 hours per week for some 2 year olds and for all children from the term after they turn 3. We are more than happy to discuss with you your child’s entitlement to childcare funding. Sadly, this does not cover all our costs, so we ask for donations from parents according to what they can afford.

Other ways to support us
If you shop online you can also support us by using Easy fundraising for any online purchases and we will receive a small donations
or we would love you to sponsor a child and donate by standing order for
as little as £5 per month
Thank you to our Supporters
Without the support of parents and charities we would not be able to offer childcare that parents can afford,
We would like to offer special thanks to the following;
Warwickshire County Council
Kenilworth Round Table
St James Place Foundation
Kenilworth Town Council
Warwick District Council – ARG
National Lottery Community Fund
St Johns Church, Kenilworth
Kenilworth Methodist Church
Living Word Fellowship Church
Jubilee Health Centre

‘He will lead them to the springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes’